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12 Beautiful Indoor Plants that Flower + Care Tips

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There are a lot of indoor plants that flower, but this post contains 12 of the best and most reliably flowering plants that you can grow as houseplants! Plus, I’ll also provide some care tips to make sure your plants can thrive for years.



In no particular order, here are 12 of the best indoor plants that bloom.

1. Amaryllis


Amaryllis (in the genus Hippeastrum), are wonderful potted plants and you can keep them for years and have them rebloom. Few plants beat the giant flowers of this plant, and they are usually sold in the Autumn in order to plant them so that they flower in the wintertime.

They come in a staggering array of colors. Check out my blog post on planting amaryllis bulbs in a pot. It really is very easy to do, and you can keep your plant indefinitely and have it bloom yearly with good care. The key is knowing the proper care after amaryllis blooms.


2. African Violet


Few plants will bloom as much as a happy African Violet. With good care, these plants will be in almost non-stop bloom. Every collection deserves an African Violet. These are not just your grandmother’s plant!

African violets in self-watering pots is my favorite way to grow them. It makes it super easy with a minimal time commitment for care. It will allow you to grow them on autopilot! The key to flowering is providing enough light. Check out my post on African Violet care tips so that you have the most success.

3. Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)


Moth orchids (genus Phalaenopsis) are an indispensable part of any flowering houseplant collection. Happy plants will bloom for at least a few months per year, if not longer. And you can even get them to rebloom off of their old flower stalks! They come in many colors and are a joy to grow.

Many people throw these plants away after they flower and they don’t realize that you can keep them for a long time and have them rebloom yearly. Once you get the hang of growing these plants, it can get addicting! If you are serious about learning how to grow moth orchids, check out my flagship online course, Become an Orchid Master.

4. Thanksgiving Cactus and Christmas Cactus


Thanksgiving Cactus and Christmas Cactus are very closely related and are different plants, but the care is identical. As plants grow into big specimens, they can flower for months. I once had an old Christmas cactus that was so big that it flowered for 5 months each year.

The plant in the photo above is a plant I inherited from my grandmother and is a Thanksgiving cactus. If you are struggling with getting these plants to bloom, don’t miss my blog post on getting your holiday cactus to bloom.

5. Hoya


Hoyas are some of the easiest and most indestructible plants to grow indoors. Often times, they are passed down as heirloom plants. And on top of all that, they will also grow beautiful flowers that are fragrant! There are so many varieties that you can build a collection of only Hoyas.

Don’t miss my blog post of the 10 best Hoyas for beginners.

6. Pinguiculas


You may not even be familiar with Pinguiculas (commonly known as Butterwort). They are DELIGHTFUL and easy to grow. They essentially sit in water so it is virtually impossible in most cases to “overwater” them.

They are carnivorous plants and actually will trap and digest fungus gnats! And there are many species to choose from and the flowers come in a variety of colors including white, purple, red and more. I highly recommend adding at least one to your collection. Refer to my Pinguicula care blog post for more details.

7. Bromeliads

Aechmea fasciata or “Urn Plant”

I have a specialy affinity for epiphytes and most bromeliad types are epiphytes (meaning that they grow on trees). Did you know that pineapple plants are also bromeliads and you can easily grow a pineapple with a store bought fruit? (Although pineapples are not epiphytes and grow in the ground instead).

And did you know that air plants (Tillandsia) are also in the bromeliad plant family? Not only are air plants easy to grow, but they flower as well! Explore some easy air plant varieties to grow in your home.


8. Hibiscus


Nothing says the tropics like a hibiscus plant. Tropical hibiscus are a staple of any summer garden, and you can bring potted hibiscus indoors if you live in an area where the winters are too cold. Though the flowers only last a day, a healthy plant will almost continually grow flowers.

They come in a huge array of colors including white, red, pink, yellow, orange and more. If you are struggling with flowering, don’t miss my blog post on how to get hibiscus to bloom.

9. Lipstick Plant


It’s easy to see how lipstick plants gets its name, and did you know that they belong to the same family of plants as African Violets?

Lipstick plants are trailing so they make wonderful hanging baskets for bright windows. Don’t miss my lipstick plant care post to learn all about how to keep these stunning plants.

10. Anthurium


Anthuriums have become all the rage lately, and there are so many Anthurium varieties that are grown only for their foliage, but this is one Anthurium that is grown for its flowers. It is the so called Flamingo Flower and it comes in red, white and even pink flowers. The colorful part is actually the spathe and not the flower itself, but it sure puts on a colorful show.

11. Epiphyllum


Epiphyllum oxypetalum, the so called Queen of the Night, is a very exotic (yet easy to grow) jungle cactus. The flowers are outrageously huge, fragrant, and they open at night. They don’t even last a day, but a large plant can have quite a few flowers on them. It’s worth the wait!

12. Begonia


With so many begonia types to choose from, many of them are grown only for their stunning foliage, but some like Begonia maculata bless us with their gorgeous polka dot foliage as well as big clusters of flowers!

Which one is your favorite?


Saturday 1st of March 2025

What did I do? I cut 3 wild, leggy leaves n stems from my Anthurium. Poor thing is so sad n droopy now. She wasn’t unhealthy until I did that. Any hope she’ll come back or am I a murderer? Tips?

Raffaele Di Lallo

Saturday 1st of March 2025

It's hard to say without additional information on how you are caring for your plant: light, potting medium, watering, etc.


Wednesday 26th of February 2025


Raffaele Di Lallo

Thursday 27th of February 2025

Glad you're enjoying!