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In this step-by-step guide with photos, I will show you how you can propagate variegated Monstera plants. Whether you have Monstera albo or even Monstera Thai Constellation, the process is identical. Keep scrolling so you can see how simple it really is!

Table of Contents
How to Propagate Variegated Monstera
In this post, I will show you how I like to water propagate variegated Monstera. My mother plant that was growing on a moss pole got too big, so I decided to take the opportunity to take a number of stem cuttings to make new plants to sell and share with others.
Since these plants are so expensive, it would be worth it to make the most of the propagation process so that you can maximize the number of new plants that you create.

Before I go through the steps, check out the diagram in the next section showing the anatomy of a Monstera cutting so that you can see what your Monstera cuttings should look like, and what all the parts are.
1. Make Single Node Cuttings
In order to make the most of your plant material, I’d recommend making each cutting a single node cutting. Take a look at the diagram below of my albo Monstera. You can propagate Thai Constellation in exactly the same way.

Each cutting has a single leaf. Attached to the leaf is the petiole. And attached to the petiole is a piece of the vine. You need to include a piece of the vine in the cutting because this is where the node is and where the new plant will emerge from and grow.
If there are already some aerial roots, try and capture those too when you make your cuttings. Additional roots will emerge from these aerial roots when you propagate, as you’ll see later on in this post.
Simply snip about an inch or so on either side of where the petiole meets the vine. This is all you need.

2. Place in Water to Root
Here are some final cuttings that are ready to be placed in water.

Water propagation is probably the easiest propagation method. You will clearly be able to see the root development. After you’ve made the cuttings, simply place the cuttings in a jar of water.
Make sure that there is enough water that the nodes are fully submerged. Tap water works just fine, but you can use filtered water too.

Place your cuttings right in front of a window that gets indirect light (meaning no sun). However, if you have a window that gets some morning sun, that will speed up the process of rooting. Warm temperatures will also speed up the rooting process, so try and avoid any cooler rooms.
If the water appears dirty, change it out with fresh water immediately. Change your water out at least once a week regardless. This will keep the water fresh and replenish any lost oxygen.
Once you notice new, white roots that are about an inch long or so, you can transition your cuttings to a pot with fresh soil.
Often times, you will already see the new vine starting to form at the node. If you don’t see it, don’t worry because it will grow eventually after you pot up your cuttings. Take a look at the cutting below right before it was potted up. You can see the new vine forming where my finger is.

If you love propagating in water, be sure to read my post on the best houseplants to propagate in water.
3. Plant in Soil
Start off with a small pot. Depending on the size of the cutting, a 6-inch pot (with drainage holes!) will suffice for Monstera albo. I’ve also written a post on best soil for Monstera so choose any of the ones I talk about in that post for best results.
Fill the pot with moist soil. Add some soil mixture, place the cutting in, and add more soil. Enough to keep the node about 1-2 inches under the surface and so that the cutting is stable and not wobbling.
Then give it a good watering.

Keep the potting mix for your young plants pretty moist, especially as the cuttings are getting established. Only allow the top inch or so to dry out before watering again.
Be sure not to miss my blog post on caring for variegated Monstera deliciosa where I discuss all the growing requirements.
What will happen with the parent plant if I take cuttings. Will it grow back?
Yes! Your original vine will grow back. Take a look below at the original parent plant that I took my cuttings from. You can see TWO new growth points! One is the leaf on top and then the beginnings of another vine where my finger is.

Can I propagate variegated Monstera year round?
You can propagate at any time of year, but as a general rule, you’ll get faster results if you propagate during the growing season (late winter through summer). You can still propagate during the winter months, but you’ll be waiting longer for new growth.
If you’re using grow lights year round, you can really propagate any time with good results.
What if the leaf dies in my cutting?
This is not necessarily a deal breaker! As long as the portion of the vine that you cut off is still green, there is hope. The piece of vine without a leaf is sometimes called a wet stick or a chonk. If you had a cutting and the leaf yellowed or died, I would recommend laying your wet stick onto a bed of moist sphagnum moss.
A carryout container with a clear plastic lid works well. It will keep the humidity high and keep the moss moist.
What other methods of propagation can I use for my variegated Monstera?
Soil propagation is another common method. You can see these cuttings in the photo below that I inserted into planters in my greenhouse.

You would make the cuttings the same way that I described earlier in this post, and then insert them directly into soil. It is really important to keep the soil moist, particularly while new root growth is occurring.
Air layering is another propagation method that you can use. With this method, you would wrap moist sphagnum moss around a node on your plant and then wrap the moss with clear plastic wrap (secured on both ends). With this method, you don’t cut anything off the parent plant until you can see new roots growing in the sphagnum moss.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post on how to propagate variegated Monstera deliciosa. Have you tried? Comment below. I’d love to hear!