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Did you know that Sansevieria can flower? Now reclassified into the Dracaena genus, Snake Plants or Mother-in-Law’s tongue, do in fact flower! Although it is much less common indoors, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience it and document it with photos. I’ll take you through my experience, and also discuss why Sansevieria flowers occur and when these plants bloom.

I have several snake plants but the only one that has flowered for me has been my Dracaena trifasciata (previously known as Sansevieria trifasciata).
I can’t guarantee that yours will flower too, but I will discuss my experiences and with a little luck, maybe yours can too!
In general, the only thing that can make a plant bloom is having enough light. These plants are often abused and placed in dark corners which is probably why most of them don’t bloom. This is #1!
Secondly, once you can provide enough light (which includes direct sun indoors), a little bit of neglect can go a long way.
Many plants will bloom when they are mildly stressed, including allowing your potting mix to dry out completely in between watering, and keeping your plant somewhat pot-bound.
Now let me get into some timing issues and show you some photos of my own plant.
This is when I first noticed a flower stalk starting to form.

About 11 days later, this is how the plant looked. It ended up growing two flower stalks and they grew fairly rapidly.

About a week later, they continued to grow. You can see that the plant is getting some direct sun in this large, eastern exposure window. The photo below was taken at the very end of June (early summer for where I live).

About a month from when I first noticed a small flower spike forming, the first flowers opened at the base of the flower stalk.

After the first flowers started to open, they continued to open over the next two weeks or so.

Here are some other observations I made:
- The flowers have a fragrance at night. I’ve heard some people tell me that they love the fragrance, but I found it to have a grassy scent which didn’t quite appeal to me! It didn’t offend me, but I wouldn’t write home about it.
- The flowers will also produce a sticky nectar so if yours blooms, be careful of your surrounding areas.
- There has been some debate over whether Sansevieria plants (now Dracaena) are monocarpic or not. Monocarpic means that the plant will die after blooming. According to a past chairman and editor of the International Sansevieria Society (ISS), they are not monocarpic in the traditional sense. After flowering, individual growths will not grow anymore leaves.
- The ISS also states that after a few years, that rosette of leaves that flowered may die off, but it will not happen immediately. Offsets will continue to be produced so the plant will keep on growing. (I’ve since placed the plant into a bigger pot and 3 years later, none of the leaves have died so this seems to be in line with what the ISS stated.). I’d be curious to see if that rosette eventually dies off.
- I occasionally did fertilize my plant, but most of the time I took it to the sink, gave it a thorough watering with plain tap water, and placed it back by the window. Remember that fertilizer will NOT make a plant bloom. Only having enough light can do that (and sometimes in combination with mildly stressing your plant). Fertilizer will only enhance your floral show.
It’s funny how sometimes people will react by saying “oh your plant must be stressed” as if wishing ill-will on my plant. Ha! Just because a plant is stressed doesn’t mean it’s about to die (though in some cases this can be true!)
Stress-induced flowering can be caused by a number of reasons. The reason that the plant can produce flowers when stressed is so that it can proceed to produce seeds and continue to reproduce. It’s basically a last ditch effort for the species to continue surviving.
My plant was (and is) very healthy, but there were a couple stress factors. Namely, being pot bound and kept pretty dry (even though these weren’t life-threatening).
To summarize, I attribute blooming to 3 factors:
- Having enough light in my Eastern facing window.
- The plant was quite pot bound in a shallow pot.
- The potting mix dried out completed in between watering and often went 1-3 weeks in between watering. It was also fertilized pretty sparingly.
That’s all folks! Have you ever had your snake plant other mother-in-law’s tongue plant bloom for you? Have you observed anything different from me? Did you enjoy the fragrance?

Obsessed with snake plants? Be sure not to miss my other blog posts on these remarkable plants:
How to Propagate Snake Plant in Water
How to Propagate Snake Plant in Soil With Cuttings
Saturday 20th of July 2024
Thank You! My plant is in a East Window. I had it for 20 years. Bought it from Home Depot for $2.00 cause it looked like it needed some love. Well the plant is now over 2 feet tall and I have new growths and its starting to produce the buds. I cannot wait for it to flower. Mind you I just wanted a plant for indoors that was not hard to maintain. But to see this plant that looked like it was on death door and 20 years later its going to bloom..... I feel very lucky. What a beautiful 70th Birthday gift from my plant to me.
Raffaele Di Lallo
Thursday 25th of July 2024
That's wonderful Ednamarie! And happy birthday! :-)
Thursday 6th of June 2024
Accidentally my snake plant was overwatered. Killed it! So, will buy another and follow your instructions! Love plants! Thanks.
Raffaele Di Lallo
Saturday 8th of June 2024
Glad you enjoyed!
Wednesday 5th of June 2024
I have what I think is a snake plant that has produced one long red sword like flower (if you can call it a flower) because it is more like a sword. Have you ever seen a snake plant fitting this description? I have it in a bright window with my orchids and fed it with my orchid food. Amazing bloom.
Raffaele Di Lallo
Wednesday 5th of June 2024
I'd have to see a photo to be sure! I'm wondering if you have a different plant.
Thursday 30th of May 2024
I have no experience growing plants and thought I'd give it a try in my new place with a western view in a very sunny city. Imagine my surprise when my Sansevieria zeylanica started blooming a month after I bought it. I could get to like this new hobby!
Raffaele Di Lallo
Friday 31st of May 2024
That's wonderful news John! :-)
Monday 4th of December 2023
Mine is starting to bloom for the first time ever. I'm so pleased. She gets morning sun by a window and is neglected pretty well😝 love succulents ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for your info
Wednesday 6th of December 2023
It's always exciting when they bloom! :-) Congrats!