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Are you having a hard time keeping Peperomia Ruby Cascade alive, let alone thriving? I’ve written this post to help the countless people that have told me that they can’t keep this plant alive.
Learn all about Peperomia Ruby Cascade plant care and propagation in this post, including the one growing secret that will make ALL the difference!

These plants are semi-succulent in nature, and hence why some people have problems with them.
They are NOT technically succulents, so don’t go around spreading vicious rumors. The leaves are semi-succulent though which means they are a little…juicy. That’s all.
Peperomia Ruby Cascade can easily rot out on you if you don’t provide this plant with good overall growing conditions.
Before I get to the one super important piece of information that will help you grow this plant, it is really important to understand that you must have a combination of conditions correct in order to have a healthy plant.
Table of Contents
Although it might seem really obvious to many, the topic of light is unfortunately a very misunderstood topic.
And I really believe that a lot of misconceptions are spread through social media (particularly on Instagram!). Which if you aren’t following me on Instagram, be sure to follow @ohiotropics.
If you want this plant to grow well and thrive, you must have it directly in front of a window. As close as possible and within a foot of a window for best results.
This really goes for any plant. It’s just that some plants are more forgiving than others. This one is not quite so forgiving.
So many people these days place plants several feet away from a window. No plant can thrive in those conditions. There are some that will tolerate it, but that’s about it.
I have two Ruby Cascades. One is in sitting under a skylight in my sunroom and the other is hanging right in front of a Southern exposure window (with blinds to diffuse the direct sun.)
I’m sure that larger Northern windows will be OK for these plants. Unobstructed Eastern exposure windows that get morning sun would be ideal.
Being semi-succulent in nature, if you have these plants in darker conditions, chances are that the soil will stay wet for a long time and thus cause rotting.
Most people lose this plant from rotting.
After you get the “light” portion correct, I’d like you to consider the following important topics.
Remember, houseplant care should be a holistic approach where you consider a variety of factors that result in a healthy houseplant.
Due to the semi-succulent nature of the leaves, you’ll want to allow your Peperomia Ruby Cascade to dry out a bit in between watering.
Always soak your plant thoroughly and let the excess water escape through the drainage holes. (And yes, drainage holes are a MUST).
Be sure to always water thoroughly. There are so many myths about watering and overwatering is a very misunderstood topic.
Then allow the soil to dry out in between watering. The trick is to let it dry out enough, but not too much.
Depending on the size pot that you have your plant growing in, let the top inch or two dry out. It will be OK (though not preferable) to allow all of the soil to dry out in the pot, but not for too long.
If you let your Ruby Cascade completely dry out and stay dried out for extended periods of time, the lower leaves will dry up and the plant will become bare at the base.
How do you ensure that the soil will dry out in a reasonable amount of time? One important thing, as previously discussed, is LIGHT! Follow my tips in the light section.
Making sure not to overpot this plant (placing it in a pot that’s too big) will also help to ensure that the soil dries out quickly enough. My rule of thumb is only go up one pot size when you repot.
As far as fertilizing goes, I always recommend the following as a fantastic all-purpose fertilizer for all plants. It is available on Amazon and I use it for almost all my houseplants.
It’s called Dyna-Gro Grow and it is AMAZING!
I simply add 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of water and use it every time I water during the growing season. I don’t fertilize during the winter months.
And now onto the “secret” to make sure that this plant will thrive.
For any plant that has semi-succulent or succulent leaves (and also for true succulents), I use the same soil blend. Here is my “secret” that I referred to.
I used this soil blend after I propagated my plant. I had to chop my original plant after it grew a few feet and reached the surface of my spouse’s desk!
I simply used a combination of a good succulent/cactus mix along with pumice. I used approximately 2 parts of succulent mix and 1 part of 1/4″ size pumice.
You can purchase the following components on Amazon and I always have these on hand to repot and to pot up rooted cuttings!
Here is a great mix for succulents and cacti (and plants like Peperomia Ruby Cascade that need superior drainage).
I like to use the Espoma Organic Cactus Mix along with 1/4″ pumice.
Remember, use about 2 parts of the cactus mix and 1 part of the pumice.
This blend is very sharply draining and it has really worked beautifully for this plant. The specific pumice that I indicated in the link above is very high quality and uniform in size. Not all pumice is created equal so beware!
And you do get what you pay for…
Like I mentioned earlier, if you let this plant completely dry out for extended periods, the base of the vines will go bare.
But the upside is that this plant grows very quickly in my experience so it makes a great subject for propagation!
My original plant that I purchased grew a few feet long, so I had to chop it and make a new plant.
I took quite a few cuttings so that I could create a full plant. When you want to make a nice full plant, always take as many cuttings as you can. Otherwise, you will be waiting forever!
I will show you what my cuttings started out at and what the resulting plant looked like less than a year later.
Here is what my cuttings started out as:

I choose the water propagation method because I like to see the roots growing and then I potted them up. (And if you love water propagation, don’t miss my post on the best houseplants to propagate in water).
- Take a pair of scissors and cut as many cuttings as you can (or as many as you are comfortable with!). My cuttings were all around 5 or 6 inches long or so.
- Strip off the bottom leaves with your fingers. The bare part of the stem will be in water.
- Place the cuttings all in water and change the water once a week or so. More often if you notice that the water is cloudy.
- Place the vase in bright indirect light and wait for rooting.
- Then plant the rooted cuttings in a smaller pot using the soil blend that I described earlier in this post.
(You can also use the soil propagation method as well. Dip the ends of the cuttings in rooting hormone, and then place directly in soil.)
Here is what the rooted plant looked like just several months afterwards! Nice and full!

Here are a couple more tips that will help you that I think are very important!
Start off with a smaller pot. I planted my cuttings in a 3.5 or 4 inch pot. Don’t use huge pots starting off because the soil will take too long to dry out and you will risk rotting your plant out.
And finally, be sure to follow my soil recipe and my cultural tips in this blog post for best results.
Do you have a Peperomia Ruby Cascade? Comment below! I love to hear from my readers.
And if you are in love with Peperomias, check out my blog posts on Watermelon Peperomia and also the rare Peperomia perciliata that I planted in my terrarium. There are so many wonderful, easy Peperomia types to grow.
It’s such a tremendous genus of plants for the houseplant lover! Do you have any questions? Comment below!
Wednesday 23rd of August 2023
I think the main problem is the way the plant is potted when you buy it. It’s a given it will probably be in the wrong soil mix but I also suspect a young plant will have a shallow root system, so even a 4” pot would be too big, with several inches of unused soil underneath the root system. If you water thoroughly, then you are going to have all that wet soil under the roots, moisture the plant can’t use, and that is a recipe for rot. This is the problem with String of Pearls as well, maybe String of Hearts too…or any of the hanging succulent plants.
I just bought a Ruby Cascade. A nice, healthy one in a 4” pot. I could repot it into a more shallow pot, but instead, I’m just going to try watering sparingly, meaning only enough water to dampen the top few inches of soil, where the roots actually are. I have low light in my home, so I have this plant hanging directly under a grow light. Hope I can keep it alive!!
Saturday 26th of August 2023
Good luck Jen!!! Mine was fine when I purchased it in a 4 inch pot, but I agree with you that many times the soil is not great for indoor growing, and nurseries often pot them up in larger pots so that they can sell them for more (even though the root system isn't that developed).
Tuesday 3rd of January 2023
My comment is not about peperomia but I must congratulate you on the production of an excellent website (I look at a lot of them). The information you offer is easy to understand and practical, and, makes sense! The photos are also excellent. Thank you - your advice is appreciated.
Tuesday 3rd of January 2023
I'm so happy that you enjoy my site Catherine! Thanks for taking the time to comment. It means a lot to me, and keeps me going.
Monday 14th of November 2022
Thanks for your post! I’ve had my Ruby for about 2.5 years and have successfully propagated for more! I checked on it today and noticed weird white specks all over the soil…and then saw the mushroom. I repotted it (in the same pot, just to refresh the soil) a few months ago, and I don’t water it until I feel that the end leaves are feeling limp. It also hangs above a (mostly) open window and gets plenty of light—any idea why it’s molding? The similar plants next to it (Ruby necklace and string of dolphins) don’t have the same issue!
Tuesday 15th of November 2022
Glad you enjoyed the post Blair! Is the potting mix taking a long time to dry out perhaps? I wouldn't worry too much as long as the plant looks good.
Sunday 25th of September 2022
I just got 2 Ruby cascades that are in 2 inch growers pots. Would you recommend leaving them in there until next spring or put them in a 4 inch pot together? I also plan to have them under a grow light with my string of bananas. Is that okay? Love your tips!
Monday 3rd of October 2022
If you're using a grow light year round, including in the winter, you're fine to repot. As far as consolidating to one pot, it's personal preference!
Tuesday 9th of August 2022
I love my ruby cascade! It’s gorgeous! I moved it once and it began dropping leaves…put it back and today you would never know I messed up! It recovered so quickly. But like you said, light is the primary factor. I have it in my window sill of my bedroom. But that’s only 8 inches off the ground. Then keep the bottom foot of the blinds open (the cat thinks it’s for him) in a North window. In the summer around 8pm a few dappled drops of light come through. Anyway…would this grow up a trellis? Or is hanging better.
Wednesday 10th of August 2022
I never thought about them growing on a trellis! I don't know if they'd attach, but you can try!